Home > Ah, it's a brand new day!

Ah, it's a brand new day!

March 28th, 2006 at 01:04 am

Thanks for your support, Baselle, Ima and Thrifty Ray! It's a new week and I am feeling better about financial things.

Someone has placed a bid on my e-bay item and I sold the other item off-line. I'm very pleased to have figured out how to do this and hope to find other items that might be sell-able.

I've realized that if I use cash, I actually spend more money. Same with with the cards, if I'm not careful. So, I have hit upon a new system: I have put a blank address label on the front of my credit card with the total I have budgeted for non-exact expenses (groceries, gas, fun). Each time I make a purchase, I subtract the amount from the total. Doing this keeps the total very much in sight (and not just in my register) and the embarrasment factor of having this on my card gives me pause when deciding to eat out and needing to present the card to a waiter/waitress... Also, I get paid twice a month, which means two labels a month, which means that there's not a lot of space to write down lots and lots of purchases. So far, so good!

2 Responses to “Ah, it's a brand new day!”

  1. contrary1 Says:

    Neat trick on the CC's. I don't use mine while out, but do have one that I use here on line. I pay the balance each month, but I could put a note on it keeping track of the purchases, so I'm more in touch with the numbers. Great idea, thanks for sharing!!

  2. Ima saver Says:

    I carry a little notebook and write down every time I make a charge. I only allow myself $240 a month on charges, so when i get close to that, I quit!

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