Home > ARGGH. Backsliding

ARGGH. Backsliding

March 25th, 2006 at 07:21 pm

It's been a rough and tumble time these past two weeks.

Some good things:
A) Got a coupon to Pier One and went to apply it to a recent purchase and found that the item was currently on sale! Ended up getting 40.00 back. Very nice.

B) Have been offered a part-time job over the next year that will fit in nicely with my schedule. Still working on the details to see if its truly feasible, but will know soon.

C) Repeatedly checked out library books instead of buying them at the bookstore.

Not so good things:
A) Spent a lot of money on non-essential clothing. I get most of my clothes for free from a FOF (friend of the family) and they are of great quality. So, I indulge in the occasional splurge when I see something that truly reflects my style. Why is this most recent purchase feeling uncomfortable? Because I quickly selected some things from on-line when I was in a spending mood. Granted, two of the four things were items I've had on my wish-list for a while, but the other two...

B) Have not kept my sinks clean this week.

C) Have not eaten the meals I prepared for this week and have either snacked or gone out to eat instead.

I shall rise from this slump...

3 Responses to “ARGGH. Backsliding”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Remember, we are on a journey, full of trial and err...each of our choices prepare us for the next, next time you'll do a little better! The thing is, you are trying and have made some pretty awesome accomplishments this week. Don't be too hard on yourself.

  2. Ima saver Says:

    I think you are doing pretty well, just hang in there!

  3. baselle Says:

    Tomorrow is another day - Scarlett O'Hara

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