Home > Oooh...cashback awards

Oooh...cashback awards

March 15th, 2006 at 11:23 pm

I was all worried I might not have any extras to save this month and then got the cashback check from my Motley Fool card. Very pleased!

One of my goals this year was to figure out how to list items on eBay and hopefully sell some things. I made two listings last week. One (which sparked some interest among folks) was removed because someone thought it was a bootleg copy. I have no idea why they thought that, but oh well. The other item will expire tomorrow. One person is watching it, so who knows? I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I'm glad to find out that it wasn't as hard to list as I thought it might be.

Oh, and I got a job for next academic year! Nothing permanent, but I won't have to move and I love working with the folks here. So, I'm settled until next summer.

I've also started the Flylady system so many of you have mentioned. I'm loving it! So far, I've managed to keep my kitchen and bathroom sinks shining for almost a full week. Such small things, and yet they really do make me smile. :-)
So, thanks for the inspiration there, too!

2 Responses to “Oooh...cashback awards”

  1. contrary1 Says:

    That clean sink theory really works doesn't it?? Love Flylady!

  2. marilla Says:

    It's amazing, really. I had no idea how happy I would feel knowing the sink was clean. I almost didn't do the dishes last night (got in quite late), but knew (KNEW!) that it was worth the effort. Great stuff! I look forward to following some of the other steps.

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