Home > No savings this month?

No savings this month?

March 11th, 2006 at 10:17 pm


I just went through my expenses and realized that I won't have supplemental savings this month. Regular savings (auto insurance, maintenance, travel) will be fine, but nothing extra. My emergency fund is doing well, but I want to make sure that I do have some money regularly to add to it, if I ever have to drain some from it.

ARGH. Will have to get my 'eating out' under better control next month. As a single person, I get awfuly tired of eating in and cooking just for one.

2 Responses to “No savings this month?”

  1. veronak Says:

    I understand what you mean by a single person cooking only for one and eating out, so far this month I have spent $57.96 simply by eating out and it's only the 11th

  2. marilla Says:

    Thanks for the feedback, Veronak. Oddly enough, it helps to know that I am not alone in this. :-) I feel calmer now!

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